Kevin Herrmann is the new doctor at the IPeG!

© IPeG

New PhD at the IPeG!

Our colleague Kevin Herrmann has successfully completed his doctorate on the topic of ‘Constraint-based modelling and exploration of manufacturing solution spaces - using the example of Tailored Forming’.

We congratulate Kevin on this great degree! In his dissertation, Mr Herrmann presents a knowledge-based approach for a manufacturability analysis in the context of multi-stage manufacturing process chains in the context of the Collaborative Research Centre 1153, where manufacturing process chains are modelled as a configuration problem of manufacturing stages and solved by suitable consistency and search algorithms. Mr Herrmann implemented his approach within a knowledge-based system, whereby production-oriented optimisations of product designs could be carried out automatically in the design department. The system was applied and validated on a specific process chain in Tailored Forming.

We are delighted with our colleague Mr Herrmann on his fantastic degree.